Cras porta nisl urna, a interdum arcu

Fusce efficitur est eget erat egestas, a faucibus diam vulputate. Morbi dictum neque quis ornare tristique. Vivamus facilisis tincidunt consectetur.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet laoreet consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet laoreet consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet laoreet consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet laoreet consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget.

Cras porta nisl urna, a interdum arcu

Fusce efficitur est eget erat egestas, a faucibus diam vulputate. Morbi dictum neque quis ornare tristique. Vivamus facilisis tincidunt consectetur.

  • byGWC
  • 3 years ago

The clock that hasn’t worked since early 1990s has been restored by a Nashik-based machinist, the country’s foremost expert on turret clocks. Vijay Khadke, the...

  • byGWC
  • 3 years ago

PANAJI: The only tower clock in the city has started ticking again. Looking down one of the city’s busiest intersections, the hands of time on...

  • byGWC
  • 3 years ago

घड्याळाच्या काट्यानुसार वेळेचे नियोजन करणे दैनंदिन जीवनाचा अविभाज्य भाग बनले आहे. अगदी मैदानांवरदेखील वेळेचा मेळ साधणे अपरिहार्य ठरत आहे. घड्याळाच्या काट्यानुसार वेळेचे नियोजन करणे दैनंदिन...

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M/s. Ganesh Watch Co,
Khadke House, 558, Raviwar Peth,
Nr. Shani Mandir, Nashik – 422001,
Maharashtra. India.
Contact detail
Phone: +91-02532577691, +91-02532571309
Mob: +91-9822753681, +91-9822340321
Fax: +91-0253 – 2577691
For Tower Clock inquires
Call Amol: +91-9822753681

All Right Reserved 2021 Ganesh Watch.